daniel hansen Luxury asset lending

The rise of luxury asset lending – why and how customers are using money to close property deals, make quick investments or pay tax

In every aspect of my business over the years I’ve tried to bring a fresh eye to old problems – to come up with creative solutions to those age-old issues that every business faces, and to offer something truly different. So, I’ve been particularly interested recently in an inventive new solution to one of the oldest challenges that there is out there – the need for quickly accessible funds. A…

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Daniel Hansen Asset Backed loan

Everything you should know about asset-backed lending

In recent years, I’ve often been asked about the relatively new phenomenon of asset-backed lending. This kind of financing has become increasingly popular in recent years – largely because since the financial crisis it has become more and more difficult for many small and medium-sized companies to access the extra funds they need in the form of unsecured loans. So, I thought it might be valuable to share a few…

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